Who We Are

Our Story

As Vinekeepers, YOU are the life-force behind our efforts to address our generation’s most devastating social issue: abortion.

Our-Cutting Edge Solutions

Our life-affirming work includes outreach to women and their partners experiencing unplanned pregnancy. We operate three pregnancy clinics and a mobile unit in Dallas County with professional medical care, provide mentoring, host education programs in local schools, and more. All programs are provided at NO COST to the client.

Our Name

YOU are our Vinekeepers: the donors, volunteers, churches, and partners who support us. We experience vitality only when we keep hold of Jesus, the true Vine. (John 15) YOU are the keepers of the Vine that ground us in Christ and nourish our ministry. Only with your help, our pro-life programs can bear fruit and cultivate LIFE in Dallas County for babies, families, and community.

Our Origin

Our first pregnancy center launched in 1983 as the only pro-life option in Dallas. Our first clinic was called Save-A-Life Dallas and later became the Dallas Pregnancy Resource Center. Now, under our new name, THREE donor-supported clinics and a mobile unit across Dallas County, empower women and their partners to choose life.

Our Approach

Babies > Families > Communities. Our clinic counselors and medical teams celebrate when a mother chooses life for her baby in our clinic, but our services have evolved into a holistic program to ensure these children are born into strong families and into a community that understands life begins at conception.

Our Hope

We want our clients to hear compassion, not judgment; experience dignity and empowerment, not despair; and choose LIFE for their babies and LIFE in Christ for themselves. We know they need hope through the Gospel AND practical help. We offer this through high-quality medical care and personal relationships built over time, fostered through mentoring and family celebrations.

Our Operations

Our staff of about 30 relies heavily on a front-lines force of about 100 volunteers who meet with clients, perform office duties, plan fundraising events, and more. Our annual budget of $2.5 million is funded completely by individuals, foundations, churches, and business.

Our Mission

To extend Christ-like love in a compassionate and responsive manner that values the family and empowers women and their partners to choose life.

Our Vision

To live in a community where taking the life of the unborn is unthinkable.

Our Board

Elizabeth Viney

Elizabeth Viney

Board Chair
James Cole

James Cole

Board Member

Mark Turman

Board Member
Laura Thornton

Laura Thornton

Board Member
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Lexi Graben

Board Member
Peter C. Hajek

Peter C. Hajek

Board Member

Executive Leadership

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Dr. Steve Harris

Medical Director
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Lisa Freeman

Executive Director

Mary Craft, RN

Director of Clinical Services

Kontessa Kiel

Director of Client Services
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Arri Evans

Men's Ministry Coordinator

Cathy Lawson

Director of Development

Nonprofit Status

Vinekeepers support our 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, registered under the name Dallas Life, Inc. We are committed to being transparent with the community and our supporters.